Guidance for Twin Flames

Twin Flame Reunion | Guidance with Josephine Celeste

Written by Josephine Celeste | Nov 10, 2023 10:18:34 AM
Affirmations, those positive self-talk statements, have the incredible ability to transform your life. But did you know that personalizing them with your name can take their power to a whole new level? Let's delve into the world of affirmations and discover how adding your name can make all the difference.


Why the Name Matters

Words have frequencies, and your name is no exception. When you use your name in an affirmation, it creates a unique vibrational connection. It's like a direct line to your soul and inner child, forming a profound relationship that can accelerate your personal growth.

A Special Touch for Twin Flames

For many Twin Flames, unresolved inner child issues can be a significant obstacle on their journey. By incorporating your name into your affirmations, you're addressing these deep-rooted challenges directly. It's a personalized approach that nurtures the wounded inner child and accelerates the healing process.

Love: The Key to Divine Union

Loving yourself is paramount for achieving a Divine Union with your Twin Flame. The relationship you build with yourself sets the tone for the Union you'll experience with your Twin. Personalized affirmations filled with self-love and your name serve as a potent tool on this transformative path.


Being Thankful is the Highest Frequency

Gratitude is a powerful emotion linked to Unconditional Love. When you express gratitude for yourself using your name, it strengthens your connection to the highest frequencies. Similarly, trust is a crucial component of any relationship, especially the Divine Union of Twin Flames. Personalized affirmations can boost your trust in the journey and the universe itself.
One Example to Get You Started
  1. "I, [Your Name], now trust myself and my Inner Guidance wholeheartedly."
  3. "I love you [Your Name]." (Talking to yourself as if you're talking to your lover builds a stronger connection)


There is a better way to do it...

  • - The best time is in the morning as your energetic template is clear and by affirming your affirmation you then start to set your energetic template for the day.
  • - Then the other time is at night time closer to when you're going to sleep state so it will go deep in your subconscious.
  • - You must repeat your affirmation 7 times as 7 is the number for creation.
  • - You can also do your affirmation internally or externally out loud, it's up to you.

Remember, affirmations are not just words; they are vibrational tools for transformation. When you add your name to the mix, it becomes a personalized key to unlock your inner power. So, start affirming and elevating your journey toward self-love, healing, and Union.
Embrace the magic within you, and let the power of your name be your guide. 🌟💖
💌 Book your transformational healing session now. To get in touch, email me at
Disclaimer: This spiritual Guidance and services are not intended to replace physical and medical treatments and medications. As this journey is about empowering you, the onus is on you.
Attracting Your Twin Flame: A Journey of Alignment