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How does Twin Flame healing work?

Twin Flame relationships are intense, spiritual connections that often require deep healing work to fully realize their potential. Twin Flame healing involves both self-healing and healing of the connection itself. Here’s a look at what Twin Flame healing entails and the steps to take for self and connection healing:
 How does Twin Flame healing work? Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste


Self Healing

Self-healing is an essential part of the Twin Flame journey. It involves a deep exploration of oneself, identifying and healing any emotional wounds and traumas that may be blocking the path to union. Here are some steps to take for self-healing:
1. Self-awareness
The first step in self-healing is developing self-awareness. This involves being honest with oneself and identifying any patterns or behaviors that may be holding you back from healing and union.
2. Inner child healing
Healing one’s inner child is an important part of self-healing. This involves identifying any childhood traumas or emotional wounds and working to heal them through self-compassion, inner child meditations, and Shamanism.

3. Shadow work
Shadow work involves exploring and healing the darker aspects of oneself, including fears, insecurities, and traumas. This can be done through journaling, seeking spiritual guidance through a Shaman who is specialized in Twin Flames, and meditation.

4. Self-care
Practicing self-care is an essential part of self-healing. This involves taking care of oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, through practices like exercise, meditation, hydrating, eating high vibe food and spending time in nature.

How does Twin Flame healing work? | Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste


Twin Flame Connection Healing

Twin Flame connection healing involves healing the connection itself, which can often involve clearing away past life traumas and blockages that are preventing the relationship from progressing.

Here are some steps to take for Twin Flame connection healing:

1. Surrender
The first step in Twin Flame connection healing is surrender. This involves letting go of control and trusting in the universe to guide the healing process.

2. Communication
Clear communication is key in Twin Flame connection healing. Both partners need to be open and honest with each other, sharing their feelings and concerns in a non-judgmental way.

3. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an important part of Twin Flame connection healing. Both partners need to forgive each other for any past hurts or misunderstandings and release any grudges or resentments.

4. Spiritual work
Spiritual work can be a powerful tool for Twin Flame connection healing. This can involve practices like meditation, Soul retrieval, past life trauma healing, inner child healing, black magic clearing and working with a Spiritual Guide like a Shaman who is specialised in Twin Flame healing. A great way to start the spiritual work is by doing meditation. Often times the Soul itself needs healing because in a lot of cases, there is trauma and it needs retrieval of frequencies as with any trauma we lose frequencies which get stuck in that timeline. It's important to work on getting these frequencies back as when they come back you feel more empowered and you'll feel that you're changing. This can feel a little bit weird at first. However, with this your Soul can finally feel whole as when the frequencies are missing, that's what disconnects you with your Twin. As Twin Flames we are frequencies and not energy.

In conclusion, Twin Flame healing is a complex process that involves both self and connection healing. By taking steps to heal oneself and the connection, Twin Flame can work towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and transformative union.
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Disclaimer: This spiritual Guidance and services are not intended to replace physical and medical treatments and medications.