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What Soul do Twin Flames Have? Part 2 | Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste

What Soul Do Twin Flames Have? Part 2

Channelled from the Akashic Records of "Twin Flames"

In the heart of our spiritual journey lies a profound promise made long ago, during the ancient days of Atlantis just before its fall. This promise, made to our Mother-Father Creator, was a commitment to reuniting with our Divine essence and our Twin Soul in the Aquarian Age. As the Earth transitions into this new era, it is a time for us to fulfill this sacred promise and come back to our true selves.


Reconnecting to Our Divinity

The Aquarian Age heralds a period of profound transformation and reconnection. As we align with this age, we are called to reconnect with our Divinity and shed the layers of ego that have separated us from our true essence. This reconnection is not merely a return to our spiritual roots but a journey towards a state of unconditional Love. In this state, we come into Union with our Beloved Twin Soul, allowing us to complete our Soul's mission at a crucial stage of collective evolution.


The Impact of Our Actions

What unfolds on Earth during this transformative time has far-reaching implications, affecting not only our own Universe but others as well. This sacred process is intertwined with the broader cosmic evolution, making our actions and choices during this period profoundly significant. The journey may seem straightforward, but it is deeply influenced by the lessons and karma we carry. Perseverance and dedication to the Divine laws will determine our ability to shape and create a new world.


The Sacredness of Our Mission

Our role in this grand cosmic plan is sacred and not to be taken lightly. The success of this mission is crucial to the future of our world and the Universe. As we navigate through this period, we are tested to prove ourselves as capable creators of this new world. This responsibility is both an honor and a challenge, demanding our highest commitment to spiritual growth and evolution.

What Soul do Twin Flames Have? Part 2 | Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste

Wisdom from the Emerald Tablets

For deeper insights into this journey, I recommend exploring "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean," translated by Doreal. This ancient text, rooted in the wisdom of Thoth, provides a profound understanding of the Soul's journey. As you evolve, revisiting this book with new awareness can offer valuable perspectives on your spiritual path.


Embracing the Journey

As we move forward in the Aquarian Age, let us embrace our sacred mission with reverence and dedication. The journey to reuniting with our Twin Soul and reconnecting with our Divinity is a profound and transformative process. It is a time to honor our promise, learn from our experiences, and contribute to the creation of a new, enlightened world.

From my love to your Soul 
And to your heart and journey 💕

Stay tuned for more insights on the Twin Flame journey! 🌟✨
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