Guidance for Twin Flames

Is God a Woman? Part 1 | Josephine Celeste Guidance

Written by Josephine Celeste | Aug 2, 2024 1:22:55 PM

Taken from The Akashic Records: The Sacred Goddess

As Above, So Below…

To understand the concept of God as a woman, we need not look far. In the physical world, it is women who give birth, who possess a profound understanding of life, and who are the givers of life. From a metaphysical perspective, this aligns with the Sacred Feminine as the creator of all. The womb symbolizes the deepest parts of our universe, often remaining hidden and mysterious.


The Birth Portal: A Passage to Physical Existence

The birth canal serves as an essential portal to the physical world. Each movement toward birth mirrors the journey through many spheres of existence. This passage is crucial, as missing it can lead to developmental issues like ADHD. From a metaphysical standpoint, this journey from heaven to earth connects the newborn to their guides and the spiritual world, laying the foundation for their life's journey. This connection is especially important for Twin Flames.

Twin flame children born today are often karmic-free or masters, connected to their spiritual selves, and already aware of their life's purpose. This is a significant shift, emphasizing the importance of the Sacred Feminine in nurturing and guiding these souls.

The Conception of Life

When a fetus is first conceived, a powerful light surrounds the first cell—this is the child's spirit. The first drop of blood that gives life to the fetus comes from the mother's heart. In this sense, the mother is not just a vessel but a creator of life, mirroring the universe and Mother Earth in their continuous nurturing and unconditional love.

This connection underscores the idea that the feminine is the Sacred Eternal Life-Giver of everything that exists. The act of creation, whether in the physical or metaphysical realm, is a testament to the profound power and significance of the Sacred Feminine.


The Role of the Sacred Feminine

The Sacred Feminine embodies the essence of creation and nurturing. It is through this divine energy that life is conceived, nurtured, and brought into existence. The metaphor of the womb and birth canal highlights the transformative journey from the spiritual to the physical, reinforcing the importance of the feminine in this process.

Moreover, the Sacred Feminine's role extends beyond just physical birth. It encompasses the nurturing of Souls, guiding them through their spiritual journeys, and fostering connections to the divine. This eternal life-giving force is the cornerstone of existence, reminding us of the sacredness of the feminine in all aspects of life.


Embracing the Sacred Feminine

Recognizing the Sacred Feminine's role in creation invites us to honor and embrace this divine energy in our lives. It calls for a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the nurturing, unconditional love that binds us. As we explore these concepts further, we will uncover more layers of the Sacred Feminine's influence and its profound impact on our spiritual journeys.

In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into the metaphysical aspects of the Sacred Feminine, exploring its role in the broader context of the universe and our spiritual evolution. Stay tuned as we continue to unravel the mysteries of the Sacred Goddess, guided by the wisdom of the Akashic Records.


From my love to your Soul 
And to your heart and journey 💕

Stay tuned for more insights on the Twin Flame journey! 🌟✨
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