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What Soul do Twin Flames Have? | Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste

What Soul Do Twin Flames Have? Part 1

Channelled from the Akashic Records of "Twin Flames"

The Earth is unique in the cosmos, hosting a diverse array of Souls, unlike other planets that typically support one type of being or Soul. The Souls of Twin Flames are especially significant, with origins tracing back to the early days of Atlantis, approximately 500 million years ago. In this primordial era, each Twin Flame pair was a creator, residing in their own pyramid laboratory where they developed their Souls.


What Soul do Twin Flames Have? | Twin Flames with Josephine Celeste

The Eternal Nature of Twin Flame Souls

Upon completion, a Twin Flame Soul is endowed with a fragment of Eternity, making it eternal. While the physical body serves as its temporary home on Earth, the Soul itself is everlasting. Within each Twin Flame Soul resides the cumulative experiences of countless past lives, shaping personalities and influencing current life experiences. These past life experiences serve as crucial ingredients in the Soul's journey toward Ascension and complete divinity.

The ultimate goal of a Twin Flame Soul is to ascend into a higher state of consciousness, having learned all necessary lessons and accumulated vast wisdom and knowledge. This progression is symbolized by the intensification of the blue pearl within the soul—a repository of all accumulated wisdom. This blue pearl signifies an "old Soul," one that has lived many lives across different situations, countries, timelines, and statuses, experiencing the spectrum of human existence as various characters: mother, father, child, slave, ruler, and more.


The Blue Pearl: A Repository of Wisdom

At the heart of every Twin Flame Soul lies the blue pearl, a mystical repository containing all the wisdom accumulated over numerous lifetimes. This tiny, radiant pearl holds the essence of the Soul's journey, embodying the lessons, knowledge, and experiences that have shaped its evolution. The blue pearl is a testament to the Soul's enduring quest for enlightenment and higher consciousness.


Gender and Reincarnation Preferences

Through years of serving Twin Flames, an intriguing pattern has emerged: Twin Flame Souls generally exhibit a preference for a specific gender during their incarnations. While a Soul may occasionally experience life as the opposite sex, there tends to be a predominant inclination towards one gender. This preference reflects the Soul's comfort and familiarity with certain experiences, allowing it to delve deeper into its lessons and growth.

This phenomenon underscores the Soul's intricate journey through time, weaving a complex tapestry of experiences that contribute to its ultimate goal of Ascension. Whether incarnating as male or female, the Soul's primary objective remains the same: to evolve, attain wisdom, and embrace its divine nature.


Embracing the Journey of Twin Flame Souls

Understanding the unique nature of Twin Flame Souls offers profound insights into our spiritual journeys. As eternal beings, we carry within us the wisdom of countless lifetimes, shaping our present experiences and guiding our path towards higher consciousness. Embrace the journey of your Twin Flame Soul, recognizing the profound purpose and divine mission that underpins your existence.


In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into the roles and responsibilities of Twin Flames on Earth, exploring how their Union and separation contribute to the greater cosmic plan. Stay tuned as we continue to unravel the mysteries of Twin Flame Souls, guided by the wisdom of the Akashic Records.


From my love to your Soul 
And to your heart and journey 💕

Stay tuned for more insights on the Twin Flame journey! 🌟✨
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