Guidance for Twin Flames

Twin Flame Reunion | Guidance with Josephine Celeste

Written by Josephine Celeste | Jul 4, 2023 1:57:13 AM
The path to Twin Flame Reunion is a profound and transformative journey that requires inner strength, unwavering faith, and deep self-reflection. It symbolizes the sacred union of Heiros Gamos, the alchemical concept of the holy marriage between the God and Goddess.  In this blog, we explore the essence of Twin Flame Reunion, highlighting the importance of divine connection, shedding the ego, completing karmic lessons, and embracing solitude as integral parts of the journey towards a harmonious and balanced reunion.

1. Shedding the Ego

A crucial aspect of Twin Flame Reunion is the shedding of the ego. The ego serves as a protector of pain, unlearned lessons, and separation from our spiritual selves. It keeps us trapped in false beliefs, patterns, and a sense of separation from both ourselves and our Twin Flame. By embarking on a spiritual path, we begin the process of shedding the ego and reconnecting with our true selves, ultimately reestablishing our connection with the Creator.

2. Completing Karmic Lessons

The journey toward Twin Flame Reunion entails learning and completing karmic lessons. By embracing the spiritual path, these lessons naturally unfold, but it's important to approach them with care and avoid placing unnecessary pressure on oneself. Praying, repenting, and seeking resolution for karma can be transformative in this process. The completion of karmic lessons leads to profound personal transformation, aligning individuals with their authentic selves and preparing them for the sacred reunion.

3. Solitude and Inner Work

On the path to Twin Flame Reunion, solitude and being in one's sacred space hold immense significance. It is in these moments of aloneness that deep personal growth occurs. By embracing solitude, individuals create a space for introspection, self-discovery, and a profound connection with the divine. Through healing sessions with Shamans like myself, we can retrieve frequencies that were lost through deep trauma in past lives and galactic times as this can cause you to feel stuck or lost.

4. Activating Your Gift

As individuals progress on their Twin Flame journey, their inherent gifts begin to activate and heighten. The energies of unconditional love and healing that flow within the union amplify these gifts, allowing individuals to radiate their divine essence and make a positive impact in the world.

5. The Ascended Divine Level

Contrary to a common myth, Twin Flame Reunion is not solely dependent on divine timing. It is about aligning one's frequencies with the ascended divine level and connecting deeply with the Creator. Through inner work and the pursuit of spiritual growth, individuals pave the way for a harmonious and balanced reunion with their Twin Flame.
Twin Flame Reunion is not an ordinary union but a divine connection that transcends the physical realm. It involves aligning the Soul with the frequency of the Creator and awakening the divinity within one's own temple—the body. This sacred union goes beyond traditional romantic relationships and it activates their part in the divine plan.
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Disclaimer: This spiritual Guidance and services are not intended to replace physical and medical treatments and medications. 
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